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How to Love Your Business Again

Jul 22, 2024

Confessions … I haven’t always loved my business. I can’t tell you how many times over the years I was ready to quit and get a job at Jamba Juice. (It’s just Jamba now, but my on again off again relationship with my business goes way back.) Here’s the thing: entrepreneurship isn’t easy, and the past few years have had most of us pivoting so much we got dizzy.

In 2020, I was ready to burn my whole business down. I was overwhelmed and burnt out … everything felt hard and stale. I had to reassess how I got to a multiple 6-figure business and what I wanted my role to be in my business, my home, and my community. Ultimately, I had to find a way to love my business again — in this new world.

So I took a step back. I got super clear about the impact I wanted to make. Realigned my business with the person I have become and the time and energy I wanted to invest in it. Surrounded myself with the right people. Mapped it all out. Got focused and took action.

Business is thriving now — and so am I. I’m leaning into doing less and having a bigger impact. You can love your business and your life. You can set up a structure that makes time for both. You can have an impact without the burnout.

17 Ways to Love Your Business Again

What does falling in love with your business again look like? Here are are 17 ideas from seasoned entrepreneurs:

Create a clear and captivating vision of what business success looks and feels like. This reminds and inspires me to keep going. —Meshell Baker, Chief Confidence Igniter at meshellrbaker.com.

Do a CEO Day! It always helps me get my head out of the sand and remember why I’m here doing what I’m doing. —Emily Thompson of Being Boss

Shifted my business model away from the more common, traditional big course launch & blog to a biz model of micro courses, voxer coaching and VIP days. —Elizabeth Curtiss of Happy Mom Life Lab

Tapping into my unique decision-making strategy and trusting my gut over my logical mind. —Jackie Johnstone, Coach & Human Design for Business Expert at www.jackiejohnstone.ca/

Creating content marketing that is joyful to produce and feels like a playground for my business. —Lacy Boggs of The Content Direction Agency

I chose to focus only on the type of work that inspires me by niching down to my desired client base. —Jessica Drucker of Adventure Calls

Put things through the filter of “me”- how do I make the strategy I’m doing, more like me? —Leah Neaderthal of Smart Gets Paid

Take more walks. Connect with like-minded clients and colleagues. —Wilder Clements of Clements Employment Law

Saying no to external expectations and yes to my intuition. —Ali Dunn, Mindset, Career & Business Coach at www.alidunn.com

I’ve taken breaks, honed in skills in one area, and then integrated those new skills with my old skillset to form something new. —Jess Ryan, MS, NCC, LPC, E-RYT of Our Real Work

To keep the love with my own business going, a conversation with my team and my clients always gives me renewed energy! —Amber McCue of Amber McCue & Co, home of Modern CEO and the Planathon

I have fallen back in love with a couple of business by crafting my services around the kind of interactions that bring me joy and energy. I can provide the most value when I bring my best self to the table. At the same time I made sure to reserve time to feed my mind with the books and activities that spur my business creativity. You have to be pouring into yourself in order to pour out into others. —Mary Frances Pickett, CPA

I started honoring my unique skill set instead of doing what people say I am supposed to do as a CEO. I LOVE working INSIDE of my business on very detail-oriented tasks. I’ve come to accept this is one of my superpowers because I can combine strategy with tactics. —Monica Froese of Redefining Mom and Empowered Business

I spent this summer repurposing the shit out of the years of content archives I have so that I could still have plenty to share on the short-term channels … and instead of constantly creating, I enjoyed reading romance novels in my hammock with a black cherry White Claw. —Meg Casebolt of Love at First Search

Lean on my superpowers and delegate the tasks that are not in my zone of genius. —Paulette Piñero of Unstoppable Latina

Only doing the work that is my zone of genius! And getting out of the way of my incredible team. —Racheal Cook of The CEO Collective

I’ve spent less time creating content and more time having direct conversations —Dr. Sweta Chawla, Author, Coach, and Speaker at drswetachawla.com/

Some key takeaways for me:

  • Get really clear on what lights you up. Do more of that, whether it’s how your work or who you work with.
  • Build in ease and joy (on repeat)

  • Do what works for YOU even if it looks different from what others are doing.

  • Make time for non-work pleasures.

Which idea resonates with you? What step are you going to take to reignite your passion for your business?

If you’ve fallen in love with your business again, we’d love to hear how you did it!

Buy the Book

You don’t need more time; you need more focus!

Get the book that changes your relationship with productivity. Megan explores the science behind focus and the reality and results of bringing more focus into our busy, distracted lives.